Garmin Badges Calendar
Customize your own Garmin calendar of past, present and future
challenges, events and badges.
Import your Calendar
Once customized, follow the steps below to easily import
it to a Calendar provider of your choice.
MacOS Calendar

- Open the Calendar application.
- Expand the File option in the Menu bar.
- Select New Calendar Subscription.
- Paste the copied calendar's URL.
- Click Subscribe.
MS Outlook Calendar

- Sign in to Outlook.
- Click at the bottom of a page.
- Click Add calendar in nav pane.
- Select Subscribe from web.
- Paste the copied calendar's URL.
- Click Import.
Google Calendar

- Sign in to Google Calendar.
- Click + next to Other calendars.
- Select From URL.
- Paste the copied calendar's URL.
- Click Add calendar.
Important: the calendar URL you copy for the import should contain /api/icalendar
and is not the same as the one in your browser, which is /calendar
Make sure that you use the Copy button above.